Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Stages Of Cancer

Given a choice, would you rather detect your cancer at stage 0 and 1 OR stage 2 and above? Who can you blame when your doctor tells you ‘I’m sorry, but this is stage 4″?

It is say that your life is fated. Yes it is, we can’t stop earthquake or other catastrophe from happening. But if you can detect the disease early and you disregard screening as important in the first place, is this called fate?

No, it’s a result from your own ignorance, who can we blame when we put ourselves to suffer which results in suffering to family members, kids and relatives too?

Make it a point today to schedule for your yearly comprehensive health screening. You can’t be too busy for that. What is more important that your own health? If you never set priority for your health, it could be too late when you discover it.

Cancer is curable, but again it depends on the stage of the disease. The earlier you detect it, the higher your chances are and the lower the costs involved.

The irony is that most people do not seem to give this much thought when they feel no pain. Even if there’s a certain discomfort, we usually like to shrug it off as ‘normal’ symptoms. But the truth is once you feel something is wrong, 80% of the time it’s already too late.

“Colon cancer, nasopharyngeal (nose and throat) cancer are very curable types of cancer when you detect it early, and even lung cancer can be cured if you catch it in the early stages,” says Dr Low.

But if you are looking for proof of progress in the survival time of cancer patients, you do not have to look further than lung cancer.

“Lung cancer used to be fatal, once you get it, within a year you’ll die,” says Dr Low. “If you receive chemotherapy you’ll probably live for eight months to a year, but if you don’t, you could probably only live for six months,” he says.

Excerpt from TheStar.

Monday, June 7, 2010

False Health, Poor Health & True Health

False health
There are quite a lot of people in this group. One feels “healthy” because there are no symptoms. A guy suffering a heart attack while playing a game of tennis may not have known a day earlier that he had heart disease, which in fact had existed years before. The abruptness of the episode is just the end-point of a disease that has been lurking in him.

Similarly, by the time cancer is detected by conventional methods, the sufferer is already harbouring a billion tumour-stricken cells. At the early stage of false health, there are no symptomatic warnings. The irony is that many are aware of the need to undergo routine medical screening and are actually concerned about their health.

Medical tests are meant to diagnose diseases. A normal test result is reassuring but does not guarantee true health, thus many people with the perfect report may erroneously carry a false sense of security. The above mentioned conditions are not specific entities by themselves but related to the root cause of poor lifestyle choices and bad diet.

Sixty-five thousand people died last night. It’s the same number today, and tomorrow. Why are there no headlines?

What kind of horrible plague am I ranting about? They are the silent killers, known as degenerative diseases.

We do not notice them because they are like wear and tear, akin to stealth raiders of our health. After years of straining the engine, the car will eventually break down, as does the body.

Poor health
Like a river flowing downstream, false health will lead to poor health, which is synonymous with “disease”. People in poor health frequently visit their doctors and need long term drugs. Ironically, this is known as secondary prevention, that is, they manage to avoid drastic complications but they live with chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes.

These diseases need medical attention that includes pharmacologic intervention, which forms part of the treatment regime. However, despite the wide array of new and old drugs, heart attack is still the No.1 killer.

Drugs are therefore not the only answer. Taking prescribed medications without a disciplined change in lifestyle and diet falls short of the ideal 6/4/2010 Heal thyself http://thestar.com.my/health/story.asp… 2/4 treatment plan.

The worst situation is to be in the category of end-stage disease. Chronic heart failure, paralysed by a stroke, advanced metastatic cancer, on dialysis, dementia … the grim list goes on.

The bad news is this not only afflicts the elderly, but more and more so, the younger generation. The good news is these diseases that annually kill people around the world in numbers equal to Malaysia’s population can be prevented.

True health
If we are blessed with 100 years of life, we would wish for 100 years of good health, living a meaningful life. Getting a stroke at 50 and spending the next 30 in bed is not an attractive idea. Quality is more important than quantity. I would strive to add life to my years and not just years to life.

Unfortunately, how many of us are truly healthy? True health by definition is not merely the absence of symptoms but the absence of disease. In the realm of modern lifestyles, with fast foods, fake foods, highly processed meals devoid of nutrients, stress, radiation, chemicals and toxins assaulting us, it’s no wonder our health is under attack.

We are in a war zone, and quite unknowingly, caught in a cross-fire. As in baking, there is a specific recipe necessitating certain ingredients and cooking temperature to make the perfect pastry. In health, too, there is a formula to good health and one for bad. It is a choice we have to make.

We understand the concept of insuring our car, our house, our life, and even our maids in the event they run away. We certainly need to insure our health. Unfortunately, this is one insurance no one can buy, simply because there is there is no such product for sale.

One has to earn it through exercise, attitude, recreation and nutrition (EARN). Accumulating one billion ringgit sure means a lot of zeroes. The digit one represents our health. Lose that and all the wealth in the world comes to naught.

Taking charge of our health is holding destiny in our hands as we have a choice to make. To live life by default or by design.

True health is like the balls in the hands of a circus juggler. A mistimed act can result in the balls falling astray. A skillful performer gets it back in the air. If we are unlucky, we may never find the balls again. I hope you won’t lose yours.

Excerpt: TheStar

Money Printing Machine

Actually you may not realise it ! The money printing machine is YOU.
Do you care to maintain this machines?
Are you prepared to insure it ?
Are you willing to send it for servicing ?
What happens to your entire family if this machine fail ?
No body else except YOU could
answer .


LET MJ MANAGE YOUR HEALTH ...so that... you will...

Why CA-125 Test Is So Important For Ladies

CA-125 test is important for you to find out if you have ovarian cancer. Early detection saves life.
Encourage every lady to go for this test , the sooner the better. If you can read this artcle in Chinese , please pass on the info to your loved ones or friends who may not understand it.

以 下文章摘自華邦電子總公司電子郵件
請女同事注意自己身體狀況並轉 告親友
我罹患原位腹腔腫瘤,直到最近 才被證實為「卵巢癌」

經歷了這種折磨,我要拯救與我有相同命運 的人
這也是為什麼我要發這封信的原因並且希望 你們能將這封信轉送你們的親友
每月作乳房自我檢查,至少每半年看一次牙 醫等
我所不知道的是我沒有卵巢『它們在被摘除 前是健康的』
所以我去找胃腸科醫生,他作了些檢驗以判 斷是否有細菌感染
我可能就相信了他的診斷,於是我要求再作 更多的檢查

不用說我的歐洲之行必須取銷,醫院從我腹 部抽出五磅的 積水
而我的病情才被正確的診斷出我有卵巢癌的 典型症狀
但我從來沒有在每年的身體檢查及一發生症 狀時做這種簡便的CA-125血液檢驗
拜託,拜託,拜託!!務必告訴你們 的女性親友
警告你們,醫生可能會跟你們說不用檢查這 一項,因為沒有必要
相信我,如果我早知道做這項檢查,就可及 早發現,而不會拖到癌症第三期了
正常的數值介於0與35之間 (我的是754och.很高) !
就像婦女有纖維瘤或男性有較高 的PSA檢驗值也要定期追蹤< 有助於診斷攝護腺癌 每年做CA-125血液檢驗,目的是可提早發現癌 症 我希望你們不要覺得我的故事很無聊,希望 可以讓你們因害怕而有所行動 妳認識55個女性友人嗎? 如果是,至少他們之中有一人會罹患這種侵略性強的癌症 或許這個人會是妳,我希望這種事不會發生 在妳身上 請這星期去找醫生而且堅持做CA-125血液檢驗 並且在妳有生之年每年做一次 請不要認為年輕人不會得此症 雖然卵巢癌的平均罹患年齡為56歲(知道嗎,我不多不少剛好56歲) 也有22歲女性罹患此症的, 所以年齡不是絕對的因素 謝謝您撥冗閱讀此信並祝您常保健康 看完這篇文章,感觸良深。 因為我小 嬸也因為卵巢癌過世。 原先只是肚子痛,一直找不到病因,等到診斷出來已是末期。 發病時才31歲,35歲過世,所以奉勸各位女性友人,真的要注意自己的健康,祝福大家永遠健康快樂! 男生要寄給女生喔!